Will Heroes of the Storm crush LoL and DotA2?
If you haven’t heard about it yet…
Blizzard is going to publish a new MOBA game, first called Blizzard DotA they changed the name to Heroes of the Storm.
You now might ask: Do they want to be the new LoL or DotA2 or do Valve and Riot fear the Blizzard game? I don’t think so, because Blizzard ist not stupid and is not about to copy the existing games. And it would have made no sense at all to copy the existing games, due to that LoL and DotA2 is already very big and have a huge fanbase which probably wouldn’t play another game which is a simply copy of their game with new heromodels. They made a lot of changes over the last years of development to make it more unique.
Let’s have a look at the major differences:
- There is no lasthitting, seriously…
- There is global shared experience
- Different gamemodes
- Different skillsystem
- No items
Due to this changes, the game becomes a constant teamfight and as a player you have to focus more on objectives based on the current gamemode. For example, one of the modes includes that you have to collect gold, give it to a pirate so that he is going to shoot his canon on the other teams tower. You can also focus on teamplays, ganks and objectives instead of farming and leveling because you will be always the same level as your teammembers and this makes it easier for you to contribute to teamfights. You will also start with all 3 of your basic abbilities and they will scale up higher as you level up, every couple of levels you get an more specified abbility which you have to choose (more attack damage or higher life regeneration) and those are going to scale up, too.
At lvl 10, you can decide between 2 ultimates.
Are you curious about the new game and want to get a glimpse of the gameplay, watch the gameplay video
I have no expectations that the game will be competetive viable but I’m eager to play it with friends. Heroes of the Storm is focused on a more casual gameplay and I can totally imagine this game is going to be popular. It will cut out some of the complex mechanics and make itself more accessible for all type of gamer and Yeah… you can play as your favourite Blizzard character.
If you want some more thoughts on this you might watch Purges (DotA2 Caster) sight on it, presented on his Vlog.
What’s your thoughts about Heroes of the Storm, are you afraid of the new competitor or looking forward to it?