You love Art and Design and UI and Cinematics and all that fancy stuff… Check this out…
I personally love this site, there is so much cool stuff like:
Counter Strike Online 2 Cinematic
You love Art and Design and UI and Cinematics and all that fancy stuff… Check this out…
I personally love this site, there is so much cool stuff like:
Counter Strike Online 2 Cinematic
COD The Replacer is probably one of the best game commercials ever.
Definitely one of my favorites!
So, if you wanna get replaced don’t miss to check also the getreplaced website!
I found this awesome Mass Effect Surface Cover in the well known N7 style at my desk.
It seems like some new Spectre gear arrived… thx lovely girl at the Spectre HQ :-*
Surface Cover by Adore June
I proudly present the Travian Chieftain Statue!! =)
Some colleagues and me Produced this awesome piece for the game Travian.
The chieftain sits on his throne, watching over the village under his protection. This limited collector’s piece is equipped, like his counterpart in-game, with a spear, a sword and a shield.
He comes with a certificate of authenticity which includes a code worth 250 in-game Gold (to be redeemed in browser game Travian 4).
Each Gaul clan has a chieftain who can persuade the citizens of enemy villages to join his empire. By speaking to the citizens of other villages from outside their city walls, he has the power to reduce their loyalty to their current ruler. The chieftain can use this tactic until the village joins his clan.
Some details:
Personal stuff:
Wer sich schon immer mal gefragt hat was ein “Let’s Play” ist oder an wem dieses Phänomen vorbei gelaufen ist ohne mal Hallo zu sagen sollte bei Making Games vorbei schauen, die haben letztes Jahr schon mit PietSmiet einen Artikel darüber geschrieben.
I don’t want to repeat what everybody is posting about that “great” Dungeon Keeper iOS Game…
I think the numbers on Metacritic speak for them self!
Well, doing a game like Clash of Clans for iPhone is probably not the best idea now.
Just to give you a glimpse of how many CoC clones exist I uploaded this galery.
Would you care if your game was just a copycat or do you think that this is a fine produc strategy?
I found these pictures on imgur
I have just finished Pokémon Y (main story) on my gf’s 3DS XL.
Now I’m going to try out Zelda: A link between worlds…
I heard that this game is one of the best Zelda games so far, is it true?
My favourite Zelda is “A link to the past” (SNES) what’s yours?