Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to develop and test for Android devices?
It is not just hard cause of the different screen sizes, it is also hard cause of the Brand and Software fragmentation!
I found a great Article about this topic at Open Signal, including a few very interesting graphics.
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iOS <— Screen Fragmentation —> Android

Beware of the mighty HexBug Spider, a late but awesome present

Illustrations criticizing our society
The truth about motivation and what motivates us

My Stuff: Assassin’s Creed – Connor – Figure

Color Wheel – A simple Way to find your colors
Not sure what color your website should be or need a handy tool to get your color as RGB and HEX?
PS: It also helped me by defining the colors for my Website ;)
The Kids Are Alright.
Mit ihrem Buch “Netzgemüse — Aufzucht und Pflege der Generation Internet” haben Tanja und Johnny Haeusler die elterlichen Herausforderungen bei der Erziehung digital Aufwachsender erfolgreich auf die Agenda gebracht. Für die re:publica haben sie sich jedoch entschlossen, ein paar ihrer Erkenntnisse in einen Rant, also eine Wutrede zu packen.
re:publica 2013 – Netzgemüse: The Kids Are Alright

Fantasy User Interfaces
You are fascinated by that stunning User Interfaces from movies like Star Trek, Enders Game or Iron Man 3? Check out this great Database from Noteloop about all that kind of stuff!
Happy to hear the gift was a hit! Looks like we’ll need to rethink our shipping schedule for next year…we shipped that on 12/05. Have a Hexcellent 2014!