My Pinterest – Featuring: Figures & Sculptures
I’m using Pinterest to store cool images, inspire myself and friends and also for my job, to have good examples and visuals.
My Pinterest – Featuring: Figures & Sculptures
I’m using Pinterest to store cool images, inspire myself and friends and also for my job, to have good examples and visuals.
A solid and well produced figure.
If you like military and related topics you should definitely check out the McFarlane Military Series.
3rd Infantry Division. Includes: Desert combat loadout, custom base and M4A1-M203 assault weapon/grenade launcher.
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Who doesn’t know the Murlocs from the Warcraft Universe?!
My edition consists of two blue Murlocs, there are also versions with 2 green and one blue / one green Murloc.
Murloc are amphibious creatures which dwell along the coastlines of the Eastern Kingdoms, and few other locations. Little is known about this species, although they seemingly have enough intellect to form societies and tribes, even having their own faith system. They have their own spoken language, although it is unpronounceable in the common tongue.
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I proudly present the Travian Chieftain Statue!! =)
Some colleagues and me Produced this awesome piece for the game Travian.
The chieftain sits on his throne, watching over the village under his protection. This limited collector’s piece is equipped, like his counterpart in-game, with a spear, a sword and a shield.
He comes with a certificate of authenticity which includes a code worth 250 in-game Gold (to be redeemed in browser game Travian 4).
Each Gaul clan has a chieftain who can persuade the citizens of enemy villages to join his empire. By speaking to the citizens of other villages from outside their city walls, he has the power to reduce their loyalty to their current ruler. The chieftain can use this tactic until the village joins his clan.
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