…is a great website where you can check the marketshare of Devices, Browser, Systems and a lot more.
There is also an option to get more information by subscribing and paying but this is imho not neccessary for getting relevant data.
Viewing all items for tag Mobile
Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to develop and test for Android devices?
It is not just hard cause of the different screen sizes, it is also hard cause of the Brand and Software fragmentation!
I found a great Article about this topic at Open Signal, including a few very interesting graphics.
[image_column class_img_column=”fragmentation”]
[img_column src=”http://thedarg0.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/IOS_Screen_Fragmentation.jpg”]
[img_column src=”http://thedarg0.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Android_Screen_Fragmentation.jpg”]
iOS <— Screen Fragmentation —> Android