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Sue from wrote about a very interesting topic.

In her job, she has to decide if she just does what the customer wants or what is right, cause most of the times the customer don’t know exactly what he truly needs.

It’s about what you need, not what you want…

I think these are hard situations and doesn’t fit for UX alone, it also happens in a lot of projects and while managing those.

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Just because I am able to fix stuff doesn’t mean that I always should do it.

I wasn’t able to watch TV over the last days due to a broken cable, I ordered new high quality cables and changed the old ones.
The picture is better than ever but immediately after turning on the TV I remembered that german television is bullshit, especially at noon!

(Btw. Oehlbach and KabelDirekt cables are amazing)

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So you are playing DotA 2 (or any other MOBA)… cool.




And to make it clear, you will always be a noob.
By practicing this game you will not get better you’ll only become a lesser noob.

some day…


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Well, my plan while playing DotA 2 is to make a bit less mistakes than my enemy… DotA in a nutshell

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“There are three kinds of people, those who consume, those who share and those who create.”

Obviously i don’t mean food, it’s about content, knowledge and information of course.

Consuming of content and information is given, nearly everyone does it.

Sharing is likely, it always means to pass on the knowledge to others.

Creating content and information is the rarest.

Most people just creating their own opinion and share it, not that bad after all…
But… this is not enough.

Consuming, sharing and creating… each of this does not claim to be more important than each other.
You need to consume to gain knowledge and you should share and use these in order to create new knowledge and information, these information is again shared and consumed by others.

Just a little insight into my world of thoughts.

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