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Presenting: Hipster Zombies in numbers

I hope you like numbers, cause this article provided by Martin on will be chock full with the beasts.
Not only that there will be graphs!

He looks at the performance of Hipster Zombies over the entire lifetime. That includes, among other things, downloads and revenue for iOS, Android, Ouya and Samsung Apps.

Downloads - Percentage by App StoreRevenue by product



See, there are a lot of charts =)

If you want to read the full article klick HERE !

If you’re busy? Here’s all their learnings condensed:

  • Learning 1:  A silent launch without marketing is not a launch at all.
  • Learning 2:  Don’t underestimate the speed of pirates. They could be a great multiplier to get the word out.
  • Learning 3:  There’s lots and lots of Android users.
  • Learning 4:  The Google Play users like Hipster Zombies.
  • Learning 5:  The review prompt has an effect. Just add it. Especially on iOS
  • Learning 6:  Seasonal updates are another chance to get featured, nothing more, nothing less.
  • Learning 7:  iOS users spend more than Android users, and OUYA users spend more than both.
  • Learning 8:  Art creation takes longer than you think.
  • Learning 9:  Even a small game project is really expensive.
  • Learning 10:  Spend your time on something awesome.

Any further questions, find the guys direktly on Facebook and Twitter


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